Abracon ATFC inductor chip PCB Symbols available
Category:UncategorisedAbracon ATFC inductor chip PCB Symbols and footprints are now supported by SamacSys
SamacSys, the world leader in ECAD Model delivery, are pleased to announce that the full range of Abracon ATFC inductor chip PCB Symbols and PCB Footprints are now available to download for FREE.
The Abracon ATFC Inductor range comes in chip sizes of 0201, 0402 and 0603.
Visit www.ComponentSearchEngine.com to view and download in to your ECAD tool.
Abracon offers several sizes of thin film chip inductors in standard values for most market requirements. These products provide designers off-the-shelf flexibility of performance, space savings and low cost. Typical applications include: mobile phones, GPS products, wireless LAN and Bluetooth modules.
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SamacSys is a leading developer of software tools for creating and managing electronic component ECAD data.
Our mission is to provide companies with a suite of software tools to select, manage and distribute component information effectively throughout their organisations.